“Let every light shine” Matt. 5 v 16

Religious Education

The aim of teaching RE at Alpington school, is to enable all children to become religiously literate. This means children are able to hold balanced, well informed and age-appropriate conversations about beliefs and worldviews.  RE is valued as highly as our other core subjects and is planned to provide context and purpose to the children’s learning.

Wherever possible, we teach with a respectful hands-on approach, using resources such as The Qu’ran, Jewish kippot and Hindu Puja tray. We welcome visitors to school who can share their beliefs and practices with us and we visit places of worship or religious significance.

Religious Education is approached through one of three disciplines or lenses: Theology, Philosophy or Human and Social Sciences. These lenses allow us to focus in on a key question from a particular perspective. Usually, one religion or worldview is investigated at a time, although we also compare beliefs and practices to identify similarities and differences between and within religions and worldviews.

As a Church of England Voluntary Aided School, the Governors have adopted the Norfolk Agreed Syllabus (2019). Our RE curriculum is in line with the Church of England Statement of Entitlement (2019) which requires that between 5% and 10% of the whole curriculum teaching time is spent teaching RE and at least 50% of this time must be explicitly Christian.  The children learn about the Christian faith but also about the beliefs and practices of other religions and world views.  The resource Understanding Christianity guides our learning of core concepts of Christianity, through this the children learn that the Christian religion is multi-cultural and practiced world wide.

In Key Stage 1, Children investigate Christianity and one other principal world religion in depth. They also encounter at least one other world religion reflected in the local context.

In Key Stage 2, Children investigate Christianity and two other principal world religions in depth. They also encounter at least one other world religion or world view

  • Christianity should be studied at each key stage to ‘reflect the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian’ (Education Act 1988)
  • Other principal religions represented in Great Britain (usually regarded as Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism) should be studied across the key stages; although they do not have to be studied in equal depth, nor all of them in each key stage
  • Other worldviews may be studied such as, the Baha’i faith, Jainism, Zoroastrianism and Humanism.
  • Religious Education Policy Sept
SIAMS Inspection

The school was judged Excellent in all areas of the latest SIAMS inspection in November 2019. This includes the inspection of RE.

RE whole school subject overview will be updated and uploaded by 21.6.21