“Let every light shine” Matt. 5 v 16

Robin in action!

Spring Term 2024

Week beginning 3rd June 

After a wonderful half term break the Robins were all glad to see each other again and have been straight back to work. We learned about the sculptor Jeffro Uitto and how he created sculptures using driftwood and decided to make our very own sculptures using natural items we found in our outside area. Miss Larter was amazed by our creativity!  

We were also lucky enough to have a new water wall fitted this week and have had great fun exploring the movement of the water as it travels through different pipes.

Week beginning 20th May 

This week the Robins took part in a sponsored run and did a fantastic job running a mile around the field! Some of us rescued a bee this week as it had fallen into water. We managed to make it feel better and set it free. A group of us also decided to set up a theatre and put on our very own show.  We also had a visit from the police this week and Miss Larter was in trouble for setting too much homework. Luckily, we managed to get her off the hook by answering some questions to show the police officers that we knew what to do in an emergency.  

Week beginning 13th May 

This week we have had great fun exploring ‘half’ in maths. We looked at finding half of shapes and then moved on to finding half of amounts. We also had a visit from Gary who helped us learn more about patience and told us the story of Abraham and how he had to be very patient waiting for God to give him a son.

Week beginning 6th May 

After an extra long weekend the Robins were refreshed and keen to learn. We have been practicing writing sentences about ourselves using a capital I and then discussing the things that make us the same and the things that make us different as part of our RSHE learning. Some of us also enjoyed typing our sentences up using a program on the laptop. In maths we had some fun exploring doubles by finding Numicon pieces that were hidden in the outside area and then matching up with someone who has the same number to double up! The year one children recorded our findings by writing some fabulous number sentences.

Week beginning 29th April 

We started this week by imagining ourselves as pirates and coming up with our own pirate characters. We created some fantastic posters of our pirates and the year one Robins made some ‘wanted’ posters using adjectives to describe their pirate’s features.  

The reception Robins have been working very hard to learn all of their phase 3 sounds and enjoyed playing some fun sound games outside on the field.

Week beginning 22nd April 

This week we have had great fun making and labelling maps. The children have been fantastic at working together to create huge maps that cover a whole table and also enjoyed colouring and labelling laps in pairs. The year one Robins have been creating their own islands and then using adjectives to describe the features on their island. They even used a program on the laptop to type up a description of their island using compass points to explain where things are located. 

Week beginning 15th April 

This term started with a bit of a mystery as we found a treasure map in the classroom! The children were quick to recognise that it was a map of the school grounds and that there was an X marked in the shed. We decided to make a list of things we need to take with us on our adventure and then set out looking for treasure. We found a treasure box full of things in the shed and it even included names of pirates and so we started researching these pirates to find out more about them.

Week beginning 25th March   

We have really been enjoying the outside area for the last few days of term. We have been continuing to explore growing in our outdoor learning sessions with Mrs Godbold and have been finding out about different minibeasts that share this space with us. On Tuesday we did a tricky word Easter egg hunt which was great fun and helped us to practice spotting our tricky words.

Week beginning 18th March   

We have had great fun learning about the artist Romero Britto this week. We looked at some of his artwork and tried to create our own self-portraits in his style using a range of patterns and lots of bright colours. On Thursday it was ‘Be Yourself Day’ at school. We all came to school in clothes that made us feel happy and enjoyed a yoga and movement session in the hall. 

Week beginning 11th March   

This week we have really enjoyed using our imagination to come up with narratives in the small world area and also for our writing. Miss Larter was very impressed with our ideas and our use of story language.  The year one Robins have been working hard to use their number bonds to 10 to help them work out number bonds to 20.

Week beginning 4th March   

This week it was the Robin’s turn to do some outdoor learning with Mrs Godbold. We really enjoyed helping her plant some sunflower seeds and talked about the things that plants need in order to grow strong and healthy. We also spent time drawing some of the plants and flowers we could see in the garden. 

On Thursday it was World Book Day and we all came to school as our favourite book characters. We had great fun doing book scavenger hunts and writing book reviews.  

Week beginning 12th February  

We started this week by finding out about Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated. We enjoyed exploring Chinese culture and had some interesting conversations comparing this celebration to things that we have celebrated. This week the whole school listened to an alternative version of Hansel and Gretal and then conducted an investigation to find out which biscuits would be best to rebuild the witches house with. We decided to find out how strong each biscuit was by dropping them from different heights. We found that the Bourbon biscuit was the strongest as it didn’t break even when we dropped it from 2 meters!   

Week beginning 5th February  

This week we really enjoyed our music session. We learned to sing a song and then had great fun following along  using the glockenspiels. It sounded fantastic!  

Week beginning 29th January 

This week the Robins have been busy learning about different materials. We talked about how some material are natural and other are human made. We then discussed some materials and how we can identify them before sorting some objects depending on the material they are made from. In maths, the year one children have been busy practicing using number lines. They have even been looking at number lines with missing numbers and making predictions about where they think different numbers might be. This week we also had a visit from Sarah who brought along Bethany and Benjamin bear to teach us how to keep safe near the road and also in the car. 

Week beginning 22nd January 

We have had great fun sharing and talking about our favourite books this week. We were really good at talking about why we liked a book and who our favourite characters are. This week Mrs Thompson made us all into small world figures and we have had great fun playing with our figures and creating small worlds to put them in. We have also enjoyed spending time in our new role-play area which has a lot of new equipment donated by our lovely adults.

Week beginning 15th January

Week beginning 8th January  

We started this week by doing our second self-portrait to update our class display. It was amazing to see the improvements in our second self-portrait when compared to our very first attempt. We have all been working very hard on our number knowledge this week by exploring the number 5 and also looking at filling a ten frame with items and then discussing it. Near the end of the week we listened to the story ‘The Jolly Postman’ and had fun writing our own letters and posting them. We also practiced our letter formation this week!  

Autumn Term 2023

Week beginning 18th December 

We had great fun this week celebrating Christmas at our class Christmas party. We really enjoyed dancing and playing games together. We also went to the church this week for Christingle and some of our grownups came to join us.

Week beginning 11th December 

This week our class elf Pop continued to get up to more mischief! We all took part in nativities this week and did a wonderful job performing. Our adults came to watch us and were very proud. Our adults also joined us for some festive crafts and colouring in the school hall after one of our performances.

Week beginning 4th December 

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! The school Christmas tree went up in the hall and we all went in to add a decoration. It looked very beautiful when we had finished. We also started to design and make our own Christmas stockings. We were fantastic at sewing and found it very relaxing. We also found an elf in our classroom and decided to name him Pop. He got up to quite a bit of mischief this week and even went to help out in the school office for a day! 

Week beginning 20th November  

This week key stage one had a ball! We all came to school in our best clothes and went to a ball in the school hall. We learned a dance together and then had great fun making up our own dance moves.  

Week beginning 6th November 2023

This week we have all been working on our writing. The reception children have been perfecting their letter formation and practising writing their names and the year one children have been practising getting faster at writing sentences. The year one children also went on trip to Yarmouth where they visited the Time and Tide Museum and also helped Cinderella at the Elizabethan House Museum. We have also been finding out about the four seasons and exploring autumn by going on an autumn walk. We collected leaves and sorted them into colours and then used them to make pictures and crowns.

Week beginning 30th October 2023

This week the year one Robins have been busy using their phonic knowledge to write sentences. We have also been busy working on our maths skills by practising adding numbers together. The year one children have been exploring part-whole models and finding fact families.

Week beginning 16th October 2023

This week the reception Robins have been learning new sounds to help them develop their reading skills. They also really impressed Miss Larter with their fantastic writing skills. We have been developing our social skills this week by thinking about how to be kind and respectful to each other. We also talked about taking turns and coming up with a compromise when our ideas aren’t the same as our friends. On Wednesday afternoon the whole school took part in a computing afternoon and we all really enjoyed spending time in our Alpington families.

Week beginning 9th October 2023

We have really enjoyed finding out more about London this week as part of our class topic. We learned about King Charles III and all had a go at creating portraits of him.

Week beginning 2nd October 2023

This week we have been exploring using our gross and fine motor skills. We have been doing some fantastic mark making and really enjoyed exploring the climbing frame in different ways. We were also lucky enough to have a visitor who talked about how school was the same and has changed since we was little.

Week beginning 25th September 2023

This week we shared the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and designed some fantastic new houses for all three pigs to live in together. We also went to the church for harvest and donated some food to help those who don’t get enough to eat. With the help of some older children we wrote messages to go with our donations and also made prayer flowers.

Week beginning 18th September 2023

This week we stayed at for a school lunch! We also spent time doing activities to help us develop our fine motor skills. We particularly enjoyed making playdough and joining in with some dough disco.

Week beginning 11th September 2023

We have had a great week at school getting to know each other and exploring the environment and resources. We were also brave enough to go out on the big field at play times and bumped into some familiar faces (big brothers and sisters).