“Let every light shine” Matt. 5 v 16

Owls in action!

Welcome to Owls 2024!

New Topic:



 Design Technology & Science. 

Making a working torch.  

We have been working hard this week, designing and building a working torch for an explorer. We had to learn many new skills like: 

  • Building a cone 
  • Following our own instructions 
  • Using a glue gun 
  • Measuring accurately 
  • Cutting wire and stripping the plastic coating. 
  • Using a screwdriver (Clockwise and anti-clockwise) 
  • Building a working circuit. 


We will be evaluating them and bringing them home on Thursday. 


Year 4 had a fantastic time doing Bike Ability in the glorious sunshine.  They are looking forward to another session in a couple of weeks.  


Today we had a visitor from the Polar Museum in Cambridge.  She told us all about polar explorers.  We were immersed in life on Antarctica as an Edwardian explorer and how hard it would have been. 

  • We learnt that the best meal they ever had was undigested fish from the stomach of a dead seal! 


  • We discovered Antarctica has a volcano that still erupts lava pellets! 


  • We were amazed at their resilience, courage, and bravery! 


We saw lots of amazing artefacts that hopefully will inspire our writing. 

25 April 


This half term we are using Scratch to write algorithms.  We have been practicing using infinite blocks so that our sprites move, change direction and change costume. We have had to debug when our program does not work quite how we wanted! 

23rd April 


Our topic this term is Explorers.  As part of this we have learnt the meaning of Empire, Colonisation and Indigenous.   This week we have written about the good and bad side of colonisation.  The children have enjoyed and been horrified by this part of British history. 



 This website is good to help you practise your times tables. Helpfully it also looks identical to the Year 4 times table Assessment which they will take in June. 



Highly commended ! 

All the children were amazing.  Here some pictures of the amazing whole Keystage Team. 

You can listen to the two songs they performed too. 


 In Computing we have been using Audacity which is a programme which allows you to record and edit sound. We are going to record our own podcasts. 

If you would like to download it at home here is the link.  



Today we were out in Yelverton looking at what amenities Yelverton has to help it survive as a village. We found a bus stop and buses, a post box, a village hall, a playground and very importantly electricity. We also looked at different house types and sketched them. 

Finally, we looked at a map of Yelverton and thought about what had changed, lots of houses had been built and our fantastic school hall had been added. 


 World Book Day. 

 We had a brilliant day celebrating reading! 


Cave Experience 

Today we were enjoyed the amazing Cave Experience. The tent was pitched last night! Once in the tent we learnt fantastic facts about the Stone-Age. We saw how flint could be used to start a fire. We saw how fish were gutted and cooked, then we got to try it! 

The whole experience really brought our topic alive. 



 This week we have been aspirational applying our grid reference skills to OS maps.  We have been learning how to use 8 points of the compass and how to read 4 and 6 figure Grid references.  We really enjoyed looking for different features on the real maps of our area.  We have also written algorithms for our Micro:bits so that they worked as a compass.



A great game to practice adding fractions. 


Lots of levels to build up your fraction skills. 


Great for practicing improper fractions to mixed numbers. 


Making Paint! 

As part of our Survivors topic, we have been finding out about cave paintings. In Art we thought about how they would have made paint in the Stone-Age. We had great fun experimenting with different materials to make paint. 


Langley Science Enrichment Club. 

Some of Owls have joined the Langley Science Enrichment Club.  It is for the next 5 weeks.  Each week the group of 12 are travelling to Langley on a Tuesday after school to take part in lots of great Science activities.  The children told the class all about it when they got back last week.  What a fantastic Experience! 


Today we had fun learning how to use the BBC Microbits by making a name badge.  Some of us then managed to do jokes and sentences! 

Below are some links so you can practice writing algorithms at home- you don’t need to have a Microbit! 


Today we used this website to support our investigation in Perimeter. 

 Area Builder 


 We had a fantastic time icing our Christmas cakes.  There are alot more pictures on Tapestry. 


This week we have focused on learning and practising an efficient method for Division.  We have then used our skills to solve problems. Knowing our times tables proved to be very important! 


 Useful websites to learn your timetables. 

 Hit the Button  




 Timestables Rockstars 


 Marlons Magic 



This week we have enjoyed Design & Technology. We planned, designed and wrote in instructions to make a moving model using a snail CAM. Today we evaluated our work .

Here are a few photographs but there are lots more on Tapestry.

Lovely to see so many of you. The children really enjoyed sharing their work with you.

We are looking forward to showing you all our work on Thursday 23rd November from 2.15pm, for our Open Afternoon. We will all have our books and displays to show you.

22-11 23

This term we have been enjoying our Art. We have been looking at Aboriginal art work. We have discovered different ways to make marks with paint. Now we are using all our skills to produce some amazing animal art.

Click here for our branching program.

8th November:

Science Investigation
Today we all took part in a Fair Test. We were finding out if the shape of a birds beak affects what it can eat. This links with our work on Charles Darwin who while visiting the Galapagos Islands noticed that different finches were adapted to eat the food found on each Island.

Once we had completed our investigation our Hypothesis was:To survive, thrive and reproduce an animal needs to find and be able to eat plenty of food.

Our investigation was great fun with different types of pincers representing different shaped birds beaks. We were then timed for 1 minute to see how much of a type of food we could pick up with our ‘beaks’We made it a fair test by keeping everything the same except for 1 variable which was the food.

31st October:

We finally made it to Minsmere! The rain held off and the sun even made an appearance – briefly! We had a great time: Pond dipping, bird watching and finding creatures. We were able to apply all our knowledge of food chains and life cycles. Brilliantly we showed off our amazing scientific vocabulary too!

There are more pictures on Tapestry.

19th October

we learnt so much when the Dentist visited us today! How to clean our teeth. When to clean our teeth and what to eat and when to keep them healthy.

We also got to use a disclosing tablet to see how clean our teeth were!

We have been enjoying our Outdoor learning sessions. This week we were creating a fantastic creature from clay.

18th October

We visited Langley School to learn how to use a BBC Microbit. We enjoyed programming them to make an electronic version of Rock Paper Scissors.

11th October

This week we had a fantastic time at Langley. We all enjoyed taking part in the Cross Country. The rain just managed to hold off!

4th October 2023

Today we had a visit from some Fantastic Creatures. We found out all about their diet, life cycle, habitat and adaptions to survive in the wild.  We also got to hold and stroke them!

28th September 2023

This week we have also been curious to find out about Fantastic Humans! We were thoughtful about the importance of our Circulation, Blood and our Teeth.


Today we celebrated Harvest by visiting Church and taking part in different activites

We wrote prayers on paper flowers which opened on the water.

We thought of messages to go with our food offerings for the Food Bank.

We create Haiku poems to celebrate Harvest.


This week we have been finding out about our skeleton and digestive system. We have had a very silent visitor in the classroom to help us!


This week we have enjoyed outdoor learning with Mrs Godbold. In class we have been working with Roman Numerals and solving problems with them.  We have also been researching the Australian Galahs. We are now experts!