“Let every light shine” Matt. 5 v 16

Class structure

We have five classes: Robins, Kingfishers, Swallows, Owls and Eagles, in the school.  The majority of children will learn in mixed age groups, with children from more than one year group being taught together.  Our teachers are very skilled at teaching in this way and routinely adapt learning to meet the needs of all the children in the class, whatever their age and stage of development.

Our class structure is flexible and varies from year to year depending on the numbers of children in school and individual cohorts, staffing and the needs of particular children.  Class groups will change during the children’s journey through school.  Children are able to form new friendships and we are able to manage class dynamics to ensure a positive learning environment.  Because of our welcoming and inclusive ethos, children adapt quickly to class changes.

We take into account a range of factors when deciding what class a child should be in.  Some children benefit from the consistency of having another year in the same class, whilst others thrive off change and variety.  We may consider children’s learning behaviours, their independence and confidence and their resilience.  Especially with the youngest children , their age and stage of development will be taken into consideration too.  We may also assess children’s ability to access the curriculum when it is presented in a particular way, thinking about their listening and attention skills, their reading and vocabulary.  We know that friendship is important, so we will take that into consideration when planning classes.  We will always consult with parents as part of the process of organising classes for a new school year.

Key stage 1

2022 / 23 – Robins (mixed YR and Y1) and Kingfishers (mixed Y1 and Y2)

Key stage 2

2022 – 2023 – Swallows (year 3 and 4 )  Owls (year 4 and 5) and Eagles (year 6)

Please see our class pages for curriculum information for each class for this term.  Click on the class logo.






There is also lots of information, photographs and explanations on the class “in action” pages.

Useful information for parents of children with SEN can be found here
