“Let every light shine” Matt. 5 v 16

Eagles in action!


Welcome back to the ‘Eagles in Action’ page.

Here’s what we have been up to!

Our new topic this term is Explorers. Full details of what we are doing are on the Eagles Class Page.
This week we took our SATs tests. We had toast and juice for breakfast and bought in our cuddly toys for a bit of moral support! Everyone worked really hard and did brilliantly! We will get our results in a few weeks time and Mr Stowers is sure we will have done great things!

Week Commencing 11th March 

This week we have been doing lots of map work. We have been comparing OS maps of our area with Ben Nevis in Scotland and Greater Manchester. This has told us a lot about the topography, roads, rivers and land use in these very different areas. We also had our open afternoon where we were able to share our books with our parents. It was lovely to have so many parents in class! 

Week Commencing 4th March 2024 

Thursday was World Book Day! We all got dressed up as characters from a book and had a chance to share our favourite reads with each other. We also wrote book reviews and spruced up our Reading Den.  

Week Commencing 26th February 2024 

On Thursday we had a visit from some Stoneage people. They explained all about their life and how they survived. It was an amazing experience and we even got to eat some freshly cooked fish! They were impressed with our knowledge and how engaged and well behaved we were! 

Week Commencing 12.2.23
In computing we have been working on databases. We have been organising paper-based data to begin with and will move on to using computer databases

Week Commencing 8th and 15th January 


This half-term PE we will be focussed on gymnastics. This week, Miles bought in some of the equipment he uses at his club which he demonstrated and then allowed us all to use. 


Our topic for the Spring term is ‘Valuing Difference’. We briefly revisited our work on bullying from last term and discussed what we should do if we experience or witness bullying. We looked at ‘By-stander behaviours’ and worked through difference scenarios as a class. We then looked at what makes us different and discussed discrimination and Hate Crimes where we identified the nine ‘Protected Characteristics’. We then spent some time discussing and understanding the vocabulary associated with gender and sexuality.  

Week Commencing 4th December 

Christmas Cakes 

We spent Thursday morning decorating our Christmas cakes. We think you will agree that they are rather impressive! 



Earlier in the term, 10 of the Eagles went to Langley to do some computing with their ICT department. This week the rest of Eagles had a lesson at Framingham Earl High School with Mr Barron one of their computing teachers. It was great fun and they worked really hard and were beautifully behaved.



On Tuesday this week we all travelled to RSPB Minsmere to carry out some fieldwork to complement our topic of ‘Fantastic Creatures’. We had three activities: pond-dipping, woodland creature identification hunt and birdwatching. It was great fun and it was good to put our learning into practice. The staff from the RSPB were really impressed by our knowledge and understanding and, as usual, we were perfectly behaved.



As part of our ‘Fantastic Creatures’ topic we are looking at different life-cycles. At the moment we are learning about at the life-cycle of an insect, in our case a butterfly.  We are preparing posters to share our information.


Cross Country

This week we took part in the Cluster Cross Country at Langley School. Everyone did brilliantly and we all showed real resilience and determination to complete the course.


We have French with Mrs Brown every Tuesday. At the moment we are looking at modes of transportation and describing how we move from one place to another.



This term we have been thinking about how we keep safe. We have looked at the NSPCC Pants resources, reviewed our Bullying Policy remembering to ‘Spot it, Say it, Sort it’ and this week we have begun a unit on how to stay safe on-line.

To complement our learning on classification, adaptation and life-cycles we had a visit from Ed from Mini-Monsters who bought in a selection of different animals. He told us all about them and then answered questions. We also go to handle them (except the tarantula).


Harvest Festival

We celebrated Harvest in a slightly different way this year; we took our offerings to the church and took part in different  activities which gave thanks for the harvest and considered those in need.

Through no fault of our own we had to cancel the Minsmere Trip. So instead we had a mini-Alpington safari. We went bug hunting and drawing in the churchyard, had games on the Garrick Field and then had a rather pleasant walk around some of the footpaths of Alpington and Yelverton. We hope to rearrange the Minsmere visit for later in the term.


Fridays means PE with Mr Colbeck. This week we have been concentrating on out passing skills in football.


This week in science we have been classifying living things. We have have learnt how to sort them into different groups based on their characteristics.