Admissions information 2025
Welcome to Alpington and Bergh Apton CE VA Primary School!
We know that choosing a school for your child is a hugely important decision and we want you to have all the information that you need to help you to make the right choice for your family. On these pages you will find links to help you access the information that you need.
If you would like more information or a chat with the headteacher, please contact the school office on or Telephone 01508 492700
This outlines the criteria applied when making decisions about how places are allocated. It is agreed by the governing body and updated each year. This policy is currently under review, but there are unlikely to be major changes from the 22 / 23 policy.
Our website has a huge amount of information about the school and we hope it will give you a feel for what life at Alpington is like. Please feel free to explore, but there are some particular pages below that may be helpful.
Robins is our reception and year 1 class. You can see what they have been up to on our Class Robins and Robins in action pages.
More about our school’s vision and ethos can be found here.
Practical information about school uniform is here.
more information about our curriculum is here.