“Let every light shine” Matt. 5 v 16

Alpington Eco Team

The Alpington Eco Team is on a mission to make sure that our school community is always striving towards a sustainable future.

In recognition of the work our Eco Team do throughout the school year, we will be submitting an application for an ‘Eco Schools- Green Flag’ award. For more information, please click 

Eco – Team assembly 18th January 2024 

We are the Eco-Team in school and we are proud to be making a small difference! 

In 2015, World leaders agreed to 17 Global Goals the whole world should aim for.   

These goals will help to build a greener, fairer, better world for us all by 2030… 

…and we all have a role to play in achieving them! 

There are lots of ways we can all do our bit and make a difference to the school environment but 3 main things we want to focus on are: 

  1. Reduce the amount of electricity we use 
  1. Re-use or recycle plastic and paper 
  1. Put our litter in a bin!  


We have: 

  • Put posters up in the playground – to remind you to put rubbish in a bin! 
  • Planned a litter pick in Alpington village with Mrs. Fowler 
  • Moved a bin in the playground to make it more visible from the field  (explain which one and why we moved it) 
  • Made posters for classrooms 

Eco-Team have some ideas for you to do at home too: 

Turn the tap off when you’re brushing your teeth to save water. 

Turn lights off when rooms are empty! 

Walk to school, if you can. 

Remember to use your recycling bin! 

Don’t leave phones and gadgets on charge overnight! 

Autumn Term

Introducing the 2022-23 Eco Team!

Results of our environmental review and our whole school targets for the year

Spring Term

The whole school took part in an eco-day themed around developing our understanding of ‘global citizenship’. In their Alpington families, the children participated in a range of activities around school which were linked to the sustainable development goals set out by the U.N.

Summer Term

We finally worked through the application for our Eco- Schools Green Flag Award and completed an end of year review which we shared with Mrs Welch. We discussed all the things we felt we had achieved this year as an a school and why it is important young people are given the chance to be active change makers!