“Let every light shine” Matt. 5 v 16

Vision and ethos

“Let Every Light Shine”

Our lights shine when we show all of our Alpington Values.

We have faith, show love and take action!

Our Values are:

Faith: Curious and resilient

Love: Empathetic and thoughtful

Action: Courageous and Aspirational

Alpington and Bergh Apton CE VA Primary school is a family of unique individuals; loved and valued by God and each other.

Our school vision is “Let Every Light Shine”. This means that together we create a vibrant, supportive and encouraging learning environment where every member of our school community is valued for who they are, and nurtured and enabled so that they can flourish. We aim for excellence; in the people we can be and the things we can achieve.

Our Alpington values are the foundations of everything we do. We are curious about the wider world, thoughtful about the impact of our actions and resilient to try hard and again. We are global citizens; empathetic towards and respectful of others in our Alpington family and beyond. Our courage and aspirations for ourselves and our world mean that we face the future with hope and confidence.


By living out our values in faith, love and action our own lights shine brightly, and we enable others to shine too.

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Matthew 5 vs 14 – 16

Our vision and values mean Alpington and Bergh Apton strives to be an anti – racist school. 
Anti-racism is the work of actively opposing racism by advocating for changes that promote racial equity in society.
“An antiracist idea is any idea that suggests the racial groups are equals in all their apparent differences.”
This means we:
  • Actively promote anti racist ideas and policies through our vision and values, policies, relationships and teaching.
  • Call out and challenge racist language, ideas, attitudes and behaviour wherever we find them.
  • Talk about equality, diversity and inclusivity with all our children from reception to year 6.
  • Work to ensure our curriculum, reading materials, display and resources reflect our community locally, nationally and as part of our global family.
This is a commitment by our whole school community, Governors, staff, church and children.
We are surrounded by racial inequity, as visible as the law, as hidden as our private thoughts. The question for each of us is: What side of history will we stand on?
We can knowingly strive to be an antiracist……. being an antiracist requires persistent self-awareness, constant self-criticism, and regular self-examination.
How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi.

Parents comments

Very approachable staff, both teaching and leadership. Staff know the children really well and show huge compassion and care for both our children
You keep school like an extension of the family and we love that! Open communication, inclusion in decision making and a wide variety of social and extra-curricular activities. I couldn't ask for a better school for my child.
From academic teaching to personal and social development Alpington deals with every child in the same way with a guidance that is both firm and nurturing. Alpington is dedicated to “letting every light shine” throughout all the children’s years at the school.
Parent partnership is at the heart of Alpington. Parents are well informed of the curriculum and activities the children have taken part in. This is communicated through a variety of different ways- emails, parents evenings, open afternoons, regular updates on the website and weekly tapestry observations.
All staff at Alpington have the child’s wellbeing at heart. My Child has been offered various nurture sessions at times when she has needed it allowing her self esteem and confidence to thrive.
I think Alpington is a wonderful little school and I feel very lucky that my children attend here. All the teachers are so helpful and I particularly love that it’s like a little family.
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