“Let every light shine” Matt. 5 v 16

Planning by class

At Alpington and Bergh Apton Primary we know that every class and cohort is different.  This is especially true in our school where most classes are mixed age.  It is therefore important that teachers have the flexibility to plan in a way that meets the learning needs of their class.  Using the topic planning to ensure national curriculum coverage, progression grids for each subject and our Alpington Pathway, teachers plan engaging, exciting and thought provoking topics tailored to the needs of the children and giving context and purpose to the learning.

Class topic plans;

  • create a narrative to show how learning will be connected.  They show what content will be taught as “mini topics” outside the main theme
  • use colour coding to show the teaching and learning aims for individual subjects
  • use the shared vocabulary from our curriculum vision to describe learning
  • show how experiences, wow moments, learning outside the classroom and any trips and visits will enhance and impact on learning.

There is no prescribed format for class topic plans; teachers are free to plan in what ever way works for their class.

Class topic plans are working documents; amended, developed and adapted throughout the term.

A class topic plan is published each term on the Class Page, outlining the learning for parents.

There is lots more information about our curriculum on our class pages.  Please click below to find out what we have been up to!  The  class pages include curriculum information.  The “In Action” pages include up to date photographs of our curriculum in action.




