“Let every light shine” Matt. 5 v 16

Kingfishers in Action!

Out of This World

Week 8 – 21.10.24 

In RSHE, we have been talking about bullying – what it is, what it isn’t and what to do about it. We have made some anti-bullying posters to remind others to Spot It, Say It, Stop It. 

This week, we have been thinking about Autumn in science and art. We collected some leaves and have used pastels and paints to mix and blend colours to represent the beauty of nature.

Week 5 – 30.9.24 

This week in maths, we have been comparing numbers and objects. We have learnt how to use the symbols < > and =.

In our RE learning, we have continued to learn about what views people have about God. This week, we acted out the parable from the Bible about the son who took his inheritance early, spent it all and then came back to his father. We decided that this helps Christians to understand that God is loving, kind, caring and forgiving.

On Thursday, the Universe came to Alpington in the form of The Wonder Dome. We had an amazing time seeing parts of the Milky Way Galaxy, and many other wonders of the universe. We also found out more about the moon landings from 1969 to 1972. Did you know that NASA is planning new adventures to the moon in the near future? 

Week 4 – 23.9.24 

In computing this week, we have been finding out about what makes a good photograph. We used all sorts of classroom resources to make a picture or a pattern and then take photographs.

In maths, we have been learning about one more and one less and using number lines. 

Tiny, the tortoise, has asked the class to write some one more and one less statements for him. Lots of children chose to do this in their spare time and read them out to help Tiny with his maths. 

Week 3 – 16.9.24 

In science, we are investigating what plants need to survive. The children re-potted plants and selected a variable to remove.  

We are learning how to be cooperative learners – learning from each other and practising our social skills at the same time. In order to help each other learn about the parts of a plant, we played Catch 1 Partner. We had to talk politely to each other, asking for help to label a picture of a plant before swapping pictures and moving on to talk to a new partner. 

Week 2 – 9.9.24 

In maths, the Kingfishers have been representing numbers from 11 to 20 in different ways using: 

  • Counters and ten frames 
  • Rekenreks (like an abacus with two rows) 
  • Numerals 
  • Words 
  • Base 10 (tens and ones apparatus)

Week 1 – 4.9.24 

Welcome back! 

We have had a lovely first few days of getting to know each other, trying out different seats, playing and launching our new topic (pun intended!)