“Let every light shine” Matt. 5 v 16

Class Eagles

EAGLES – Summer Term

Welcome to a new year in the Eagles class.

For more details of what we have been up to, please go the the Eagles in Action page of the website.

Eagles’ Autumn Term Newsletter January 2024                                                                

Dear Parent/Carer,

This term, our topic is ‘Explorers’. We will be learning about how and why Europeans explored the rest of the world and the impact this had especially on the indigenous people of those countries.

Timetable – a full timetable is available on the Eagles page of the school website. On Tuesday afternoons, Mrs Brown will teach French.

PE – PE will be on a Friday afternoon. A suitable change of clothing (school PE kit) must be worn. It is important that your child has appropriate clothing such as jogging bottoms, jumpers, gloves and a light waterproof jacket if the weather is inclement. If, for some reason, your child cannot participate in PE, please send a note or see me in the morning.

Homework – This term, spelling tests will be on a Wednesday and mental maths will be on Fridays. New spellings and mental maths targets and practise sheets will be stuck in the back of your child’s homebook. There will be a small piece of comprehension homework in the weeks building up to the SATs. This will be detailed in the back of their homebook. There will also be a small piece of ‘SATs Buster’ homework to complete everyday although children will be given time in class to complete this. Please support your child with their homework!

Reading – Your child will be given a ‘Group Reader’ appropriate to their ability. Reading homework will be given in your child’s homebook and their group reading sessions are detailed on the inside cover. A full group reading timetable is available on the Eagles’ page of the school website. It is essential that your child completes their reading homework and whilst for most children it is not necessary that they read with you, it is useful if you discuss what they have read with them and are available for vocabulary checks etc. Please indicate that your child has completed their homework by initialling it in their homebook.

SATs – The SATs tests take place in the week beginning 13th May 2024. There will be a brief meeting for parents early in the term to explain the tests and the arrangements for the week.

If you have any questions, concerns or queries, I am available both before and after school. Michael Stowers

Michael Stowers


Below are some useful timetables: