“Let every light shine” Matt. 5 v 16

School Council

The School Council is a flourishing part of our school life.

We have 3 committees on our school council this year.   

Friendship team – responsible for making school happy and safe for everyone 

Global Neighbours – responsible for our Global neighbours Project – see Global Neighbours Page 

Eco – team – responsible for making Alpington more environmentally responsible and sustainable – See Eco Team page 

Alpington Reporters – responsible for reporting what happens at school! 

Our school council has a big impact on day to day life at Alpinton.  We update these pages regularly so you can see what we have been up to!   


The Friendship committee met this week to begin thinking about reviewing the anti-bullying policy.  We thought about what we already know about bullying and all the things that are in place in school to prevent it happening at Alpington.  We collected our ideas on big paper! 

Over the next few weeks we will share our ideas with our classes, and work with the children at MPA to create our own Anti-Bullying video.  Watch this space!  We are also helping to plan “Alpington Be Yourself day” on 21st March. 

October 2023 

The Friendship committee has been creating pictures and posters to keep us safe on our new playground equipment.  Have fun everyone, and stay safe! 

March 2023

Our new Friendship committee have been working hard to help us remember how to “treat other’s as you would like to be treated” at playtimes and lunchtimes – including our adults in school.  They have taken photographs to help us remember!  Look out for the posters around school and on the playground.

In the lunch hall…..

Checking with an adult before we go outside.
Using inside voices.
Using our knives and forks and talking politely to our our friends.

During playtimes our playground buddies…..

Look out for people on the "Friendship bench"
Help to tidy up the shed at the end of playtimes
Put the equipment away
Help us find someone to play with.

We keep our school tidy…..

Tuck chairs in
Keep our tables tidy
Put out litter in the bin

In the Friendship garden……..

Please don't balance on the flower bed
Please don't climb or dig in the coloured tyres
Make gardens in the big black tyres
And dig n the digging pit!

At the end of playtimes…….

STOP when the bell or whistle goes
Put the equipment away
Wait quietly
Listen for your class
Walk calmly

Feb 2023

The fairness committee have been thinking about Diversity, Equality and Inclusion and how these are linked to British values and our Alpington Values.  They have made posters and worked with the whole school to make a pop video about Diversity, Equality and Inclusion at Alpington.

We decided:

Diversity – we are all unique, different and special.  We celebrate this though our school motto “Let Every Light Shine”.  We talked about how we can let our own lights shine and support others to do the same.

Equality – everyone deserves the same opportunities.  We talked about how this is not always the same as everything being fair or having the same rules for everyone.  Sometimes people need extra support, help or encouragement.  Our school rule “treat others as you would like to be treated” helps us to remember this.  We are really good at talking about protected characteristics.  In key stage 2 the fairness committee are able to explain than no one should be discriminated against because of their sexuality, gender or race.  They explained this brilliantly in their own words.  At Alpington our number 1 rule “treat others as you would like to be treated” helps to ensure equality for everyone.

Inclusion – Everyone in our whole school community belongs at Alpington!  Our Alpington values  – curious, thoughtful, empathetic, courageous, aspirational and resilient – are something that we all share.

You can watch our video here!

Please click here to take part in our children’s survey

Swallows, Owls and Eagles:


Kingfishers and Robins


Please click here to take part in our children’s survey


The Eco Team met last week to write letters to ask companies and institutions to reduce their plastic use.  The children wrote to Norwich City Council to ask them to turn off their lights after hours, especially when so many employees are working from home.  We also wrote to Amazon, the toy shop in Beccles and Norse who provide our school lunches.  We will let you know as soon as we have any replies.

Please click here to see the Cluster Eco Team news letter.  We are meeting again on 2nd December when we will hopefully be able to share details of our litter pick and Christmas Jumper swap.  Watch this space for photographs from across the cluster.

Cluster newsletter

Cluster newsletter update

It’s Eco week!  Please click here to see what we have been up to!


We had our first Cluster Eco Committee meeting today.  It was great to meet with the Eco Teams from Loddon Junior, Woodton, Ellingham and Thurton Primary Schools and hear all their great ideas and share our own.  A news letter will be published very soon – watch this space!

Here at Alpington we have been designing Eco Logos to go on Alpington Eco Coffee Cups!  We are hoping to collect photographs of our Eco Cups being used in the most extraordinary places and share them here on our website.

We also have plans for a Christmas Jumper Swap, alongside all the other cluster schools.

After half term we will be launching our project to reduce the amount of plastic waste at school and at home.  The whole school will be getting invlolved in our Eco Week which begins on the 8th November.  Lots more details to follow.