“Let every light shine” Matt. 5 v 16

Collective Worship

Our Christian Values are at the centre of everything we do at Alpington & Bergh Apton CE VA Primary. They help us to live out our Christian Vision of living a life in all its fullness and “letting every light shine.” Each half term, we focus on a different Christian Value. This is done explicitly through our daily Collective Worship time, but also throughout our curriculum. Children have regular opportunities to reflect on each value and to develop an understanding of the Value in action. Each Thursday, in our Celebration Worship, we acknowledge children who have demonstrated these values.

We believe these values are empowering our pupils to develop their spirituality and guiding them in personal development as effective learners and good citizens.

We welcome visitors in from other Christian faiths to lead our Worship, our visitors from the local benefice (Rev Chris, Mrs Buck, Mrs Dring, Mrs Fairbourn and Mr Driver) lead our Worship every two weeks through Open Book to help us to reinforce our understanding of each value as they share stories from the Bible. Children have opportunities to plan, prepare and lead worship regularly for the whole school.

The daily act of Collective Worship is Christian and offers the opportunity of learning about God through music, storytelling, sharing information as well as celebrating individual and whole school success. It takes place each day as either a whole school experience or at other times as a key stage or class based experience.

The children attend the local parish church to take part in special festivals such as Harvest Festival, Christmas and Easter.

At the moment, our Collective Worship is taking place via teams.  This means that the whole school family is able to get together each week to learn, celebrate, reflect and pray.  Collective worship is also led by a different class each week.  Please see our “Thought for the week” page to find out more about what we have been learning about this term.


Collective Worship policy 2018-2